Helping Christian Service Center is easy. A jar full of change was a project inspired by David Saunders. Simply keep a jar in a convenient spot and put your change in it every day. When the jar is full, give the money to the CSC and start saving again. The total raised currently stands at an amazing $13,115.00. Contact the Center if you would like jars for your church, business, or family.
There are several ways you can make a financial donation to the Christian Services Center.
Donations can be as simple as adding your change to a jar every day.
Personal or Business Check
Make check payable to Christian Services Center.
Please mail check to:
The Christian Services Center
Attention: Treasurer
Post Office Box 882
Gulf Shores, Alabama 36547
Online Donations
We have updated our online donations to allow for more options, offering CREDIT CARD, PAYPAL and VENMO. We also offer reoccurring payment options. This will require creating an account with us. DETAILS BELOW
The process is simple:
1. Choose Amount
2. Indicate a Special Request from the Option Drop-Down e.g. General Donation
3. Choose One-Time Payment, or one of the Reoccurring Payment Options
4. Add Billing Information
5. Choose Payment Type
6. Receive Email Confirmation
A special request for your donation is required, please indicate where you would like to help. The options are General Donation, Birthday Club, Christmas Cheer, Christmas Spirit, Food Pantry, In Honor Of, In Memory Of, and Toys For Kids. If “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of”, use the notes section under additional information so we can acknowledge the person. If you are unsure of an option, General Donation will cover all of our needs.
Reoccurring Payment Options
The first time setting up a reoccurring payment, you will be required to create an account. You must indicate a Special Request from the Option Drop-Down to make this work e.g. General Donation. Your email address will become your “User Name”. After payment you will receive an email with a link to set your password. (If it is not deliverd to your Inbox, please check your JUNK/SPAM folder.) Logging into your account dashboard, you can view your recent donations, manage your contact details, and edit your password and account details.
If you need assistance or have questions about making a donation, please contact the Christian Service Center at 251-968-5256.
The Christian Service Center is registered as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the Christian Service Center are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The Christian Service Centers’ tax identification number is 63-1059529.